شناسایی و تبیین مؤلفه های زمینه ای موثر بر ایجاد دانشگاه کارآفرین (با رویکرد فراترکیب )

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دکتری دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران و هیات علمی گروه علوم انسانی، دانشگاه فنی و حرفه ای، یزد، ایران

2 دانشیار گروه مدیریت و برنامه ریزی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی تهران

3 گروه علوم انسانی، آموزشکده فنی و حرفه ای دختران یزد(حضرت رقیه)، دانشگاه فنی و حرفه ای، یزد، ایران.


هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی و تبیین پارامترهای توسعه دانشگاه کارآفرین در بعد آمادگی های زمینه ای است که از روش فراترکیب به عنوان یک روش مناسب برای دستیابی به ترکیب جامعی از پارامترها بر اساس ترجمان کیفی مطالعات مورد نظر استفاده شده است. بدین منظور پس از مطالعات اولیه کتابخانه ای از 628 پژوهش انجام شده و انتخاب 123 پژوهش منتخب طی سال های 1998 تا 2021 نسبت به بررسی و بیان مولفه هایی که می توانست زمینه ساز تحقق دانشگاه کارآفرین گردد؛ تحت عنوان آمادگی های زمینه ای اقدام شد. نتیجه حاصل، شناسایی 7 مؤلفه: ساختار کارافرینانه، فرهنگ کارآفرینانه، الگوهای نقش و مکانیزم های حمایتی، انگیزشی، شبکه سازی، توسعه کارآفرینی در آموزش و یادگیری(آموزش کارآفرینانه )، بین المللی سازی و استقرار سیستم ارزیابی و توسعه بود که ابعاد آن در پژوهش های مختلف مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و بر اساس آزمون شانون اولویت بندی شد. بررسی نتایج حاصل نشان می دهد مفاهیم آموزش کارآفرینی و توسعه نیروی انسانی- تعامل دانشگاه، صنعت، کسب‌وکار و دولت - برنامه‌ها ی حمایتی دانشگاه- یکپارچه‌سازی فرهنگی - توسعه روحیه و نگرش کارآفرینانه - ساختار منعطف و ارگانیک - ایجاد شبکه‌های فردی و سازمانی و مؤلفه های الگوهای نقش و مکانیزم های حمایتی – انگیزشی ، توسعه کارآفرینی در آموزش و یادگیری و فرهنگ کارآفرینانه از اولویت بالایی برخوردار بوده است. این پژوهش با مطالعه عمیق و نظامند ادبیات مربوط، اطلاعات ارزشمندی برای توسعه دانشگاه کارآفرین در اختیار علاقمندان قرار می دهد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Identify and explain the context components affecting the establishment of an entrepreneurial university (by a Meta Synthesize approach)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Seyedeh Jamileh Modarresi Saryazdi 1
  • Abbas Abbaspour 2
  • Asiyeh sadat Modarresi Saryazdi 3
1 Member Faculty, Department of Humanities, Technical and Vocational University(TVU), Yazd, Iran and PhD in Educational Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Associate professor,Department of educational Managment and Planning , Allameh Tabatabi University of Tehran
3 Department of Humanities, Faculty of Yazd Girls (Hazrat roghayeh), Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Yazd, Iran
چکیده [English]

The purpose of this study is to investigate and explain the development parameters of the entrepreneurial university in the field of undergraduate preparation, which uses the Meta Synthesize method as a suitable method to achieve a comprehensive combination of parameters based on the qualitative translation of the studies. For this purpose, after initial library studies, 628 researches were conducted and 123 selected researches were selected during the years 1998 to 2021; to study and express the components that could have paved the way for the realization of an entrepreneurial university; it was done under the heading of context preparations. The result is the identification of 7 components: entrepreneurial structure, entrepreneurial culture, role models and support mechanisms, motivation, networking, entrepreneurship development in the education and learning system(Entrepreneurial education) was the internationalization and establishment of an evaluation and development system, the dimensions of which were examined in various researches and prioritized according to Shannon test. Based on this, the components of entrepreneurial culture - networking, role models and support mechanisms- Motivation has been a high priority. The results show the concepts of entrepreneurship education and human resource development- interaction of university, industry, business and government- university support programs-cultural integration-development of entrepreneurial spirit and attitude-flexible and organic structure-creating individual and organizational networks and components Patterns of role and support-motivational mechanisms, entrepreneurship development in education and learning and entrepreneurial culture have been given high priority. This study provides valuable information for the development of entrepreneurial university by in-depth and systematic study of related literature.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "components
  • " "entrepreneurship
  • "" Meta Synthesize"
  • " entrepreneurship university"

Extended abstract

This research, with a Meta- Synthesize approach, seeks to provide a comprehensive picture of the components that have been identified and categorized under the title of background preparations for the development of an entrepreneurial university, so that it can be used as a suitable model for interested people and administrators to establish an entrepreneurial university. The method used in the present research is the Meta- Synthesize method. In recent years, the need to combine qualitative research in order to understand the field of study has become a vital necessity. And several methodological approaches have been presented to achieve this goal. In order to achieve the goals of this research, the seven-step method of Sandelowski & Barroso (2007) was used. In this research, secondary data called past documents have been used to collect information. These documents include all the researches that have been done and available in the field of Entrepreneurial University. As a result of searching and checking different databases, journals and search engines and using the opinion of experts based on the desired keywords, 628 articles were found and after removing duplicate and low-quality articles, 437 articles were selected and finally after qualitative review of articles, 123 articles were selected. The article was selected for this research during the years 1998 to 2021. The result was the identification of 7 components: entrepreneurial structure, entrepreneurial culture, role models and support mechanisms, motivation, networking, entrepreneurship development in education and learning (entrepreneurial education), internationalization and the establishment of the evaluation and development system, the dimensions of which were in Different researches were examined and prioritized based on Shannon's test. Examining the results shows the concepts of entrepreneurship education and human resource development - university, industry, business and government interaction - university support programs - cultural integration - development of entrepreneurial spirit and attitude - flexible and organic structure - creation of individual and organizational networks and components role models and support-motivational mechanisms, entrepreneurship development in education and learning and entrepreneurial culture has been of high priority. As a result, identification of 7 components: entrepreneurial structure, entrepreneurial culture, role models and support, motivational, networking It was the development of entrepreneurship in education and learning (entrepreneurial education), internationalization and establishment of the evaluation and development system, whose dimensions were examined in various researches and prioritized based on Shannon's test.

A review of the literature of the entrepreneurial university shows; The first researches in this field have mostly sought to provide a definition of entrepreneurial university, in which researchers have explained the concept of entrepreneurial university. In subsequent researches, researchers have focused their attention on investigating the factors affecting the entrepreneurial university. In this research, the main organizational, managerial factors and related matters of the Entrepreneurial University have been analyzed. The effect of entrepreneurship on university activity is also one of the topics in which researchers explain how the development of an entrepreneurial university affects traditional activities. The role of universities in the development of the local ecosystem and measuring the performance of the entrepreneurial university and examining the challenges of the entrepreneurial university are also among other topics that have been addressed and finally the researches that have addressed the development of entrepreneurial universities and presented the consequences of that. The research summarized in the form of a systematic literature review also led to the development of a broad and comprehensive view on entrepreneurial universities; In such a way that we have seen many studies conducted by experts in this regard, which has resulted in the presentation of systematic theories in the field of entrepreneurial university. However, despite the accumulation of studies in the field of Entrepreneurial University, there is still not much agreement about the components, components and activities of this university, and a specific and precise definition of Entrepreneurial University, which includes all the dimensions and operational components of this university, has not been provided. Schmitz et al. (2017), Sperrer et al. (2016), Markuerkiaga et al. (2017), Fitcher et al. (2017), Wright et al. (2017), Etzkowitz (2017), Modarresi et al. (2019) ...). In this research, an attempt has been made to identify and analyze the components for the background preparation in the establishment and establishment of an entrepreneurial university and the realization of entrepreneurship in the university. And related components and factors should be identified and presented in an integrated and coherent manner. The use of meta-synthesize method in this research helped to identify and systematize a wide range of components of entrepreneurial university to introduce parameters related to field preparations. Our new classification from the previous research led to the identification of 7 key components, including entrepreneurial structure, entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurial development in education and learning, modeling and motivational-supportive mechanisms, networking, internationalization and the establishment of the evaluation and development system, which is under The title of background preparations was introduced. And related components and factors should be identified and presented in an integrated and coherent manner. The use of meta-combination method in this research helped to identify and systematize a wide range of components of entrepreneurial university to introduce parameters related to field preparations. These components have been supported by researchers in various studies. The research support of each of the identified components and concepts and characteristics is stated in table (1). In the review of the previous literature, the level of researchers' support for each of the codes or characteristics, concepts and components was determined, and with the help of Shannon's entropy method, their priority was determined based on the level of researchers' support.

The investigation shows that the fundamental changes in the internal system of the university require the necessary preparation for the establishment of an entrepreneurial university and the realization of entrepreneurship in the university. which is necessary to facilitate the flow of entrepreneurship in the university. The university should pay attention to the flow of innovation by creating a flexible and organic structure and provide the context for innovative and entrepreneurial activities of the organization. Culture is an essential part of this flow and it is not possible to follow the path of entrepreneurship in the university without paying attention to the governance of the entrepreneurial culture in the university. Entrepreneurial organizational culture must be present at all levels of the organization. In this context, efforts should be made to change the morale and attitude of the members of the organization. Paying attention to the education parameter in order to cultivate and develop and improve human resources is one of the necessities of the university development process. The university should provide the opportunity to provide the necessary training in order to change the culture, attitude and learn knowledge and skills, and by providing entrepreneurial training programs and changes in the curriculum with an entrepreneurial approach and entrepreneurial educational content, it should provide the necessary grounds for the development and improvement of the university's human resources.

In this study, the identified components; It is considered as the increasing or inhibiting parameters of entrepreneurial behavior in the university, which lays the foundation for the entrepreneurial activities of the university to provide the conditions for becoming an entrepreneur of the university and carrying out the entrepreneurial activities of the university with fundamental changes in the system and creating the necessary preparations. In this research, the above components have been made with the understanding of parameters such as strategy, management, internal capacities and environmental conditions as strategic drivers, and factors have been mentioned under the title of background factors or background (basic) preparations, and the amount of research support The previous ones about each of them as the parameters that pay attention to has a fundamental role for the university to become an entrepreneur and is necessary for the realization of entrepreneurship in the university; Is expressed. According to the model presented in this research, universities can be considered entrepreneurs to some extent according to their attention to each of the mentioned parameters. In line with the ideal entrepreneurial university, university management should avoid adopting a "one size fits all" approach (Clark, 2001). Higher education is not uniform. There are significant differences between the higher education systems of different countries and even between institutions in the same educational system, which should be taken into account in the course of university entrepreneurship.

The comprehensive and comprehensive attention of the current research to all the fundamental components of entrepreneurship in the university, including the highly cited and important components as well as the less cited components in the research literature, confirms the comprehensive, accurate and comprehensive attention and understanding of this research and its holistic view of the opinions The various presented and its summation in a new format provide a valuable basis for achieving the ways of realizing the entrepreneurial university and the future research path.

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