Document Type : research article
Department of Educational Administration, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
Aim: Multi-grade classes are among the inevitable strategies in educational systems that are used for various reasons. From the point of view of educational planning, this type of education is defined based on reorganization and classroom management. The main goal of this research was to analyze the challenges of multi-grade classes in schools from the point of view of educational planning.
Methodology: The research method based on the purpose is applied and mixed based on the type of data. The statistical population included all the teachers of multi-grade classes in the country, 15 people were selected in the qualitative section using the purposeful sampling method and 430 people were selected in the quantitative section using the random cluster sampling method. Qualitative part data was collected through semi-structured interview. After identifying the main challenges, a questionnaire consisting of 87 items was designed and validated in the focus group. In the quantitative section, the obtained pattern was examined through the implementation of confirmatory factor analysis.
Results: The results indicate that there are eight basic challenges: motivational (β=0.99), organizational (β=0.98), physical and facilities (β=0.97), support and information resources (β=0.93), operational (β=0.93). β=0.90), methodological and pedagogical (β=0.88), educational and improvement (β=0.82) and teacher training and development (β=0.81) were identified. Based on this, the prioritization of challenges was determined (motivational challenge with first priority). In the confirmatory factor analysis, two error indicators, namely, the RMSEA index with a value of 0.02 and RMR with a value of 0.04, indicate that the model error is low. The three goodness-of-fit indices are 0.96 for the GFI index, 0.91 for the adjusted GFI index, AGFI, and 0.99 for the NFI index, showing the good fit of the model.
Conclusions and suggestions: Multi-grade schools are an important part of the education system, and while identifying its challenges and issues, planning for improvement should be done. The results of this research, while identifying these cases, provided suggestions for pre-service and in-service training as well as content enhancement.
Innovation and originality: Based on the identified challenges, strategies and policies have been recommended, which include at least 700,000 students and more than 50 teachers
Main Subjects