Designing A Model for internal brand of research performance in University

Document Type : research article


1 higher education administration, administration, Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran

2 Educational Administration, Administration, Kharazmi, Tehran, iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran..


The present study aimed to formulate a model for the internal brand of the function of research in the university.This qualitative research type is conducted using the grounded theory approach. the central phenomenon of the study, the internal brand of the research function in the university was defined. The statistical population of this study included faculty members and research assistants of universities; therefore, the number of participants was 13 people selected based on the semi-structured interview method. In the current study, the Fuzzy Delphi technique, as one of the scientific analysis techniques was used to reach a consensus among the panel members to validate the components and dimensions of the internal brand model of research function. In this regard, a questionnaire was sent to 30 faculty members using the results of previous studies and the findings of the grounded theory. The Fuzzy Delphi technique in this study was generally implemented in two shifts.
Results: The findings of this study included 149 indicators that were identified in the form of 9 dimensions, including the image of the university brand, Dynamic management of brand knowledge, key values, individual and organizational factors, brand mechanisms, brand-oriented leadership, supporting processes, brand-oriented performance, and citizenship behavior as well as 17 sub-components. Then, the TOPSIS FUZZY technique was employed to rank the sub-components and dimensions. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the most important factors in the internal brand of the research function are the brand image and organizational values of the university.


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