Explaining the model of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education on the development of entrepreneurial capabilities using the Kirkpatrick model , development of educational planning

Document Type : research article


1 PhD student in Islamic Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Arts University, Iran

2 , Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran. Y.shahbazi@tabriziau.ac.ir

3 Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University (TIAU)


Educational effectiveness is one of the most important factors in the field of educational planning. Explaining the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education by accepting its effectiveness in realizing entrepreneurial components in people adds to the importance of paying attention to it; This is while the lack of indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education makes it difficult. The purpose of this article is to explain the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education based on Kirkpatrick's evaluation model, as the most important learning evaluation model, on the realization of entrepreneurial components. The model is evaluated in the field of architecture to determine how it works. The research method is descriptive, analytical and case study. The statistical population was architecture professors all over the country. To collect data, researcher-made questionnaires with a five-point Likert scale were used and analyzed by structural equation modeling in SPSS and SMART PLS software. The findings indicate the classification of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education on the four dimensions of insight, knowledge, skill and business; And entrepreneurial components are in four components of opportunism, creativity, innovation, and value creation. Based on the obtained results, entrepreneurship education does not work in the same way in terms of effectiveness and realization of entrepreneurial components in people. Therefore, by creating a specific understanding of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education, the research model helps educational planning policy makers to achieve their educational goals.


Main Subjects

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