Rethinking Academic Planning: A Qualitative Analysis of Experiences of International Students

Document Type : research article


1 Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Univesity of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 PhD student in educational Administration Kurdistan University

3 Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Univesity of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran .


Aim: The higher education system is regarded as the first organized and systematic expression of higher sciences across the world in such a way that countless scientists turn to it to study in order to achieve pure thinking and reach the sublime levels of the frontiers of knowledge.‎ Because of the importance of this reviews university planning challenges; It has focused on the representation of the experiences of international students of the University of Kurdistan.
Method: This study is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data type. The sampling method was Snowball sampling which is a type of Purposive sampling. Sampling continued until data saturation; 15 participants were interviewed. The data gathering was through semi-structured interviews. In order to validate the data obtained, the accuracy of categorization and coding was investigated through re-presenting the concepts or categories described by the interviewees. Also, to obtain reliability, the codes that were presented to each category with the help of other researchers were evaluated. Finally, after agreeing on each one, the categories were coded. Strauss-Corbin (1967) method was utilized to analyze the conducted interviews.
Findings: based on the findings, five challenges were identified. These challenges include: 1. Cultural challenge 2. Financial challenge, 3. language challenge (Persian language) 4. challenges of rules and regulations and 5. technology, equipment, and educational space challenge. Using all types of technologies and methods in the realm of country’s higher education is suggested as a prerequisite for admission of foreign students.


Main Subjects