Design and evaluation of human capital development model of group and organizational roles of faculty members (Mixed Method)

Document Type : research article


PhD in economics and financial management of higher education. University of Tehran. Tehran. Iran.


Aim: The aim of the current research was to identifying and validating the themes of development of group and organizational Qualifications in faculty members.
. Methodology: In the qualitative part, the phenomenological method and semi-structured interviews were used with 13 faculty members of universities and research institutes in Tehran, who were selected by the method of purposive chain sampling. The data obtained from the interview were also evaluated by thematic analysis method. In the quantitative part, using a descriptive-survey method, the data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire taken from the qualitative part of the research from the number of 150 faculty members selected by the stratified random sampling method from 26 faculties and four campuses of the University of Tehran, and then they were analyzed using structural equation method and Shannon entropy algebraic method.
Results: The achievement of the qualitative part of the research is the identification of the comprehensive theme of improvement in the level and appropriateness of management-leadership competencies with the dimensions of "enhancement of scientific and social scouting ability, improvement of the ability to lead multifaceted relations, improvement of understanding of organizational structure and culture, improvement of organizational knowledge and administrative management. educational unit", and the overarching theme of improvement in the level and appropriateness of leadership qualifications with the dimensions of "improving the knowledge of educational policy analysis, improving the ability to plan and develop education, improving the skill of managing administrative affairs and human resources, improving the skill of advancing financial affairs , improving the ability to administer social affairs. In the quantitative part, the achievement of the first and second order factor analysis confirmed the validity of the research model. Also, the dimension of improving the ability to guide multifaceted relations, improving the skill of understanding organizational structure and culture, and the dimension of improving the skill of promoting administrative affairs and human resources, respectively, with Shannon's entropy coefficient equal to 0.27 and 0.23, are the most important in the development of group human capital and The organization had faculty members.
Conclusions and suggestions: development of group and organizational Qualifications in faculty members is a different paradigm and approach to human resources before it is a stream for developing the competencies of faculty members. Academic institutions, as a symbol of learning and knowledge-oriented organizations, should have leaders and role models with scientific and ethical origins at the domestic and foreign levels, in order to fulfill their role of scientific leadership, an approach that requires universities.
Innovation and originalityThey can achieve it by improving the platform for empowering and developing of group and organizational Qualifications in faculty members and creating motivation in the field of scientific exchanges with a focus on professional ethics, responsibility and accountability.


Main Subjects

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