Exploring The Components of a World-class University to Present a New Pattern

Document Type : research article


Ph.D. student of Economics and Finance Management of Higher Education, Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study is to identify the components of a world-class university . This qualitative research has been compiled using a Meta Synthesis strategy. Therefore, searching for the keyword of world-class university in the period (1382-1397) (2000-2019), related articles from databases: Magiran; SID; Ensani; Noormagz; science Direct; Google Scholar; Eric, and Sage were extracted. Out of a total of 55 articles, 31 articles made it to the final analysis.  Findings of the study included 10 primary pre-organizer themes, which were classified into 28 secondary pre-organizer themes. These topics include; Academic (international curriculum, international curriculum, international mission research, enhancing international research capacities), good governance (rules and regulations, efficient general management, modern management in higher education), academic entrepreneurship (industrial Institutionalization, Continuous interaction with industry), Academic self-management (International Leadership at the University, Talent Management, Quality Assurance, Collaboration in University Decisions, University Social Responsibility), Academic Finance Development (External and intra-university finance), Competitiveness (Competitive Creating, Performance-Based Competition), Capacity Development Soft (international university culture, Cultural acceptance), hard capacity development (hard infrastructure development, smart infrastructure development), human capital development (faculty member human capital development, student human capital development, staff human capital development) and international strategies development (recognition International, international exchanges, international events). The results of this study show that given the changes in the structure of university systems along with global waves to intensify global convergence, move towards creating a world-class university to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of university systems, especially for developing countries in global and competitive conditions. Today is inevitable. The themes obtained from this study can be considered as a policy and planning roadmap to achieve this importance


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