Identifying approaches to selecting the topic of the dissertation and preparing a proposal and comparing it in the departments of humanities

Document Type : research article


1 Department of Educational Sciences. Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Isfahan

2 University of Isfahan - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences. Faculty of Tibetan Sciences and Psychology


 The purpose of this research is to identify the approaches to selecting the topic and preparing the proposal in the doctoral dissertation and comparing it between the students of the three departments of humanities, technology and engineering and basic sciences of the University of Isfahan, in the current and desired situation.The research approach is a combination of sequential exploratory type. In the qualitative section, using semi-structured interviews with 27 managers, deputies and faculty members, data were collected by purposive sampling method. Findings were used to identify subject selection approaches and to construct quantitative tools.In the quantitative part of the questionnaire, 12 researcher-made questions with a 5-point scale were administered to doctoral students in three experimental groups of humanities, engineering and basic sciences by stratified random sampling method with a volume of between 95 people. Qualitative findings were analyzed under three general headings of basic themes (20 themes including examples and key points in each organizing theme), organizing (four approaches in topic selection and three approaches in proposing) and comprehensive (approach of selecting and proposing propositions). The results in the quantitative section showed that despite the greater application of the teacher-centered approach in the current situation, students tend to more practical approaches such as paying attention to the research priorities of organizations. The results of post hoc tests indicate the difference between the groups of basic and technical sciences and engineering with the humanities in this field. In the discussion of the proposed formulation, among the three approaches of teacher-centered, student-centered and organizational, the student-centered approach is more widely used and popular than other approaches; It was especially among the humanities group compared to other groups


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