Providing a Model for Designing Financial Decision Support System Applications in Universities

Document Type : research article


1 Department of Management and Educational Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran

2 Department of Economics - Faculty of Humanities - Zanjan University

3 Department of Management and Educational Planning - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - University of Tehran


One of the characteristics of the modern era is the range of Information and Communication Technology in all academic activities including financial decision-making process. One of the real instances of applying information and communication technology in financial decision making, is using financial decision support application. In this regard, the current research has been carried out to provide a model for designing financial decision-making support application in universities. Thus, in order to identify and consider the capabilities, dimensions and the major elements of financial decision support applications in universities, descriptive method is applied in this research. The present research population includes scientific and executive specialists in higher-education economics, financial decision makers in universities and information technology specialists. Findings from the analysis of opinions indicate that financial decision support application can help the decision makers effectively in all levels of decision making, especially in financial strategic decisions, optimizing the process of financial decisions, proper financial management, optimal allocation of financial resources, effective, accurate and efficient use of financial resources, abolishing human limitations in decision making, evaluating the financial burden of activities, plans and projects, prioritization, integrated approach of decision-making system, increasing efficiency, effectiveness and improvement of financial decision quality, etc. this research is also seeking for identifying the essential dimensions and elements of designing a financial decision support application in universities. To this end, the researchers have emphasized data base, data warehouse, model database, knowledge base, inference engine, analysis tools, dashboards, explanatory materials and facilities, graphic features, user interference and the users.


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