Planning the education process away to equalization the quality of universities

Document Type : research article


1 PHD student in Educational Administration , Allameh Tabataba'i University ,Tehran ,Iran

2 Faculty of Allameh Tababai University

3 Associate professor,Department of educational Managment and Planning , Allameh Tabatabi University of Tehran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Educational planning and Adminisration , Allameh Tabataba'i university, Tehran, Iran.

5 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational planning and Administration , Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.


The Purpose of the study is to determine the indicators related to the stage of the university education process and plan for it in order to reduce their qualitative inequalities and provide a comprehensive conceptual model using a qualitative approach .  in this study , universities were examined whit a systemic view , input , process and output , the process stage of which was used as the main subject of university quality assimilation.  The statistical population was university faculty members and experts from higher education research centers  , in connection with the  quality of universities and its inequalities , they have had executive and scientific records. The number of samples reached 21 through targeted sampling and theoretical saturation.  A semi – structured interview was used to gather information. Data analysis method was inductive content method which used three coding steps to analyze it . the results of data analysis in the coding process led to the indentification  of 26 open codes , which were finally categorized into 22 pivotal categories and 5 selected codes. The research findings showed that in the process 5 factors of  human resources , financial resources, teaching – learning process , administrative structure and facilities and equipment whit 22  minor components need planning and attention in on order to equalize the university . 


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