An analysis of factors affecting educational status of volunteers using Shannon Entropy technique

Document Type : research article


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Aim: This study aimed at analyzing factors affecting educational status volunteers Entrance examination (humanities, technical and fundamental) at different levelsusing Shannon Entropy technique.
Methodology: The study was functional-qualitaive (case study). Interviews and documents used to determine the effective indicators in the evaluation of educational status volunteers and to prioritize them. The content analysis was used to analyze the data. Using purposive sampling, 10 experts were selected for interview. Using the available sampling were examined 43 documents.
Findings: Family, social, cultural, personal, psychological, economic and educational factors were identified asfactors affecting the educational status volunteers andindicators were considered forthesefactors.To prioritize results determined from the individual factor gender criteria, from the family factor the level of education of family members criteria, from the economic factors the economic situation criteria, from the psychological factor achievement motivation, self-efficacy and mental health criteria, from the socio-cultural factor location (home, dormitory) Criteria, from the educational factor grade point average criteria, allocated highest priority.
Result:There are some criteria and factors that can influence the volunteers' educational status more than other factors. It is necessary to improve them according to each degree and field of study.


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