Analysis the opportunities and challenges of personalization learning based on artificial intelligence in higher education

Document Type : research article


1 M.A in curriculum Development ,University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, , Babolsar, Iran



Aim: This article was conducted with the aim of analyzing the opportunities and challenges of personalized learning based on artificial intelligence in Iran's higher education
Methodology: The research approach was qualitative and descriptive phenomenology. among the experts and professors of the university, 14 people were selected by purposeful snowball sampling method until the theoretical saturation of the data was reached. The analysis of semi-structured interviews was done manually and using the Colaizzi method.
Results: The findings indicate that from the data analysis, 401 important phrases were extracted, which were formulated into 463 semantic units. Finally, the common semantic units were placed in more general categories, which resulted in the findings obtained in the research, which indicated 8 main themes and 52 sub-themes. The main themes extracted were: reforming and upgrading the educational system, eliminating deficiencies, improving students' performance, increasing professors' productivity, job prospects, the need for infrastructure and manpower, cultural resistance, and human and moral concerns.
Conclusions and suggestions: it can be concluded that personalized learning based on artificial intelligence is associated with many benefits and opportunities, but there are some hardware and human challenges on its way that require special attention.
Innovation and originality: This study provides a new analysis of the capacity of artificial intelligence in higher education planning, the opportunities that can help personalized learning and quality improvement in the higher education system, and the challenges that exist in this direction


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