Challenges and Opportunities of Using the Citizen Science Approach in Educational Planning

Document Type : research article


1 PhD in of Knowledge and Information Science . Mazandaran University,Cenral Llibrary Babolsar

2 Master's degree in educational management, Education, Mazandaran, Babol

3 . Bachelor's degree in teaching exceptional children, Education, Mazandaran, Babol,

4 Master's degree in educational planningEducation, Mazandaran, Babol


Objective: Citizen Science refers to scientific research in which non-professional citizens or amateur scientists participate in the collection and analysis of data. This approach promotes public engagement in scientific processes and enhances social awareness. With the advancement of technology and access to big data, Citizen Science has gained attention as a novel tool in education and learning. The aim of this study is to examine the opportunities and challenges of Citizen Science in the field of education and learning. This research seeks to identify the potential of this approach and the challenges encountered in its implementation through a systematic review of the existing literature. 
Methodology: This research is fundamental in terms of its goals and descriptive-library-based in terms of data collection. A systematic review of the literature was used for data collection and analysis. Searching in reputable scientific databases, including scientific articles and related resources, was conducted to identify credible evidence. The SALSA model (Search, Appraise, Synthesize, and Analyze) was used to analyze the data. 
Findings: The findings indicate that Citizen Science can contribute to enhancing scientific literacy, strengthening critical thinking, and increasing social participation. However, challenges exist in the implementation of this approach, such as a lack of educational resources, unawareness among teachers and students, and cultural and social barriers. 
Conclusion: Citizen Science, as an innovative educational approach, has significant potential to improve the quality of education and learning. However, to realize this potential, appropriate planning and targeted training are necessary. This research can serve as a starting point for field studies and the development of Citizen Science in educational systems. It is recommended that researchers in the future design and implement more comprehensive projects that can help achieve educational and scientific goals. 
Originality and Innovation: The innovation of this research lies in providing precise solutions for integrating Citizen Science into educational programs, addressing existing gaps in previous research, and bringing about transformations in attitudes and educational methods..


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