Compilation and Validation of the Design Principles of Educational Spaces for the Elementary School

Document Type : research article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Arak University, Iran

2 M. S. in Curriculum Planning, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Arak University, Arak, Iran


Objective:  School spaces and facilities are critical aspects of educational planning. The architecture and design of schools can significantly influence the long-term outcomes of the educational process. This study aims to establish and validate foundational principles for designing educational spaces in elementary schools.
Methodology: This research employs an exploratory sequential mixed-methods approach. In the initial qualitative phase, theoretical foundations related to primary educational spaces were gathered from literature, relevant articles, and interviews with 10 experts in educational spaces. These insights were synthesized into a list of criteria for designing educational spaces. Interviewees were selected through snowball sampling, based on data saturation.
In the quantitative phase, eight experts examined and validated the content and face validity of this list, resulting in 72 finalized items. The data were then analyzed using factor analysis to determine the factor loading of each item. The quantitative sample included 153 exemplary teachers and top educational administrators, selected through convenience sampling. Instrument reliability was high, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.95.
Results: In the qualitative phase, 87 initial items were identified from literature and expert interviews, later refined to 72 items after content validation. The results of the fit indices in the revised model demonstrated robust fitness with the data, with all items exhibiting high factor loadings with their respective latent variables.
Conclusions: The construction and utilization of elementary school spaces demand careful consideration of various educational, communal, and communication factors. The psychological and physical impact of these factors on students is profound. Given that educational planning seeks to structure environments that enhance learning and optimize educational activities and facilities, it is recommended that planners rigorously apply criteria for the design and equipping of these buildings.
Innovation and Originality: As no previous study has systematically compiled and validated criteria specifically for designing elementary school spaces, this research provides a foundational framework for the design principles of educational environments tailored to young learners.
