Organizing advanced skill trainings: integration and aggregation of technical and professional university and applied scientific university

Document Type : research article


Professor, Department of Educational Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Objective: One of the key challenges in the field of vocational education in Iran is the fragmented delivery of these programs by two separate institutions: the Technical and Vocational University and the University of Applied Science and Technology. This study aims to investigate the impact of consolidating these two universities on enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, and improving their responsiveness to the human resource needs of society
Method: This research employs an analytical approach, utilizing existing data from educational planners and labor market trends in Iran. It evaluates the impact of separate versus consolidated management of advanced skill training, using qualitative assessments and comparative analysis of educational outcomes.
Findings: The findings indicate that consolidating technical and vocational universities with scientific and applied universities can enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and the overall quality of higher skill education. This consolidation also improves responsiveness to labor market demands. The study highlights that successful implementation of skill training programs requires not only structural integration but also coordination with economic, industrial, agricultural, and service sectors. Continuous engagement with the education system and active participation of private sectors and employers as stakeholders are crucial for effective planning.
Conclusions: The consolidation of higher skill training institutions can lead to more efficient educational systems that better meet the human resource needs of society. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of creating a professional qualification system, establishing cooperative frameworks with various sectors, and ensuring that education aligns closely with labor market needs.
Innovation and originality: This study provides a novel analysis of the structural and operational benefits of consolidating two major skill training universities in Iran. It contributes original insights into how such integration can foster better coordination with labor markets and improve educational outcomes in the technical and vocational sectors


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