To provide appropriate scientific information for improving the quality of decision-making and policy development in educational context dominated by complicated hierarchical structures, this article offers cost-effectiveness analysis. The analysis which is based on the integration of two popular analyses that is production analysis and cost analysis, helps provide compiling results and scientific information essential for decision makers and policy makers. Of the two implementing approaches, it is the short-cut approach which has attracted more attention, though the advanced approach entailed more capabilities and rarely used in educational research. Using three distinctive educational data sets, this study explores the unique capabilities of the advanced approach of cost-effectiveness analysis for that purpose. It was found that the characteristics of data sets are important in exploring the capabilities of the advanced approach. We have also showed that the conventional production and cost analyses provide incomplete and in part misleading results. It is through the application of cost-effectiveness analysis we were able to achieve accurate and consistent results that help provide appropriate scientific information for improving decision-making and policy development. At the end, policy implications were drawn and discussed and guide lines for the applications of cost-effectiveness analysis for future educational research have been offered.
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Abolghasem Naderi Roushanavand. "Exploring the Applications of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Educational Decision-Making and Policy Development", Journal of Educational Planning Studies, 11, 22, 2023, 137-152. doi: 10.22080/eps.2023.24820.2160
Naderi Roushanavand, A. (2023). 'Exploring the Applications of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Educational Decision-Making and Policy Development', Journal of Educational Planning Studies, 11(22), pp. 137-152. doi: 10.22080/eps.2023.24820.2160
A. Naderi Roushanavand, "Exploring the Applications of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Educational Decision-Making and Policy Development," Journal of Educational Planning Studies, 11 22 (2023): 137-152, doi: 10.22080/eps.2023.24820.2160
Naderi Roushanavand, A. Exploring the Applications of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Educational Decision-Making and Policy Development. Journal of Educational Planning Studies, 2023; 11(22): 137-152. doi: 10.22080/eps.2023.24820.2160